Game Information
Information about the ongoing game is available under the namespaces game
, player
, weapon
, currentWeapon
, vehicle
, flag
, arena
, rabbit
, and cah
The enums
namespace contains constants and useful enumerations, including the following enumerations of game information values.
Team enum
Enumerates the possible values for a team number.
= 255 - used as a catch-all (for instance, Private Messages are considered to come from the Spectator team)
EquipPoint enum
Enumerates the possible values for an equipment slot.
= 0 - null/invalid equipment slotenums.EQUIPMENT_MELEE
= 1 - melee slotenums.EQUIPMENT_PRIMARY
= 2 - first weapon slotenums.EQUIPMENT_SECONDARY
= 3 - second weapon slotenums.EQUIPMENT_TERTIARY
= 4 - third weapon slotenums.EQUIPMENT_QUARTERNARY
= 5 - fourth weapon slot (no classes currently have a fourth weapon)enums.EQUIPMENT_PACK
= 6 - pack item slotenums.EQUIPMENT_BELT
= 7 - belt item slotenums.EQUIPMENT_DEPLOYABLE
= 8 - deployed deployable slotenums.EQUIPMENT_LASERTARGET
= 9 - laser targetter slot
ReticuleType enum
Enumerates the possible types of reticule / crosshair.
Provides information about the current on-going game.
game.type(): string
Gets the current game type.
game.isOfflinePlay(): boolean
Returns true if currently in offline play (Roam Map etc.).
game.isWarmUp(): boolean
Returns true if the game is currently in warm-up.
game.isOver(): boolean
Returns true if the game has ended.
game.time(): integer
Gets the time remaining in the game.
game.timeLimit(): integer
Gets the time limit for the game in seconds (gives elapsed time in training mode).
game.overTimeLimit(): integer
Gets the time limit for overtime.
game.timeStr(): string
Gets a formatted string of the current game time.
game.timeSeconds(): float
Gets the time in seconds since the current game started, not counting game pauses (not terribly relevant to T:A...).
game.realTimeSeconds(): float
Gets the time in seconds since the current game started.
game.score(teamNum: integer): integer
Gets the current score for the given team (0 = BE, 1 = DS).
game.scoreLimit(): integer
Gets the score required to win the game.
game.isGenUp(teamNum: integer): boolean
Returns true if the given team's generator is up.
game.genAutoRepairTime(teamNum: integer): integer
Returns the time until the given team's generator auto-repairs (0 if up or auto-repair is off).
game.players(): table
Gets a Lua table of information about the players in the game, with keys for each possible Team (as per the Team enum described in Data Types).
Each of the sub-tables contains the following stringkeys:
Key | Type | Description |
"name" | string | Player's name |
"rank" | integer | Player's rank |
"class" | string | Player's armour class |
"kills" | integer | Player's kills |
"assists" | integer | Player's assists |
"score" | integer | Player's scores (credits earned) |
"ping" | integer | Player's ping |
game.spectators(): string
Gets the list of spectating players as a comma-separated string, with a preceding count.
Gives a result of the form: (3) player1, player2, player3
Provides information about the player. string
Gets the current player's name.
player.classId(): integer
Gets the current player's class: 1 for light, 2 for medium, 3 for heavy integer
Gets the player's ping.
player.isFirstPerson(): boolean
Returns true if the player is currently viewing in first person.
player.isSkiing(): boolean
Returns true if the player is currently skiing.
player.isVehicle(): boolean
Returns true if the player is currently in a vehicle.
player.teamNum(): Team
Get the player's team (see the Team enum definition).
player.kills(): integer
Gets the player's kills.
player.assists(): integer
Gets the player's assists.
player.deaths(): integer
Gets the player's deaths.
player.score(): integer
Gets the player's current score (total credits earned). In Rabbit this gives the Rabbit score.
player.credits(): integer
Gets the player's current credits. In OOTB this will be the same as score, since you cannot spend credits in that mode.
player.arenaSpawnsLeft(): integer
Gets the number of spawns the player has left in the Arena game type.
player.rabbitRank(): integer
Gets the player's rank in the Rabbit game type.
player.isAlive(): boolean
Returns true if the player is currently alive.
player.respawnTime(): integer
Gets the number of seconds left until respawn (0 if player is alive). integer
Get the player's current health.
player.healthMax(): integer
Get the player's maximum health. float
Get the player's current energy.
player.energyMax(): float
Get the player's maximum energy.
player.energyPct(): float
Get the player's energy as a percentage of the maximum.
player.speed(): integer
Get the player's current speed.
player.numDeployables(): integer
Get the number of deployables the player has currently deployed.
player.numMines(): integer
Get the number of mines the player has currently deployed.
player.isShielded(): boolean
Returns true if the player is currently shielded.
player.isRaged(): boolean
Returns true if the player has rage.
player.hasFlag(): boolean
Returns true if the player has the flag.
Provides information about the player's weapon loadout. EquipPoint): string
Returns the name of the weapon equipped at EquipPoint eqp
(see the EquipPoint enum definition).
weapon.itemId(eqp: EquipPoint): int
Gets the Item ID for the weapon at eqp
weapon.isPack(eqp: EquipPoint): boolean
Returns true if the weapon at eqp
is a pack item.
weapon.isReadyToFire(eqp: EquipPoint): boolean
Returns true if the weapon is currently ready to fire.
weapon.isReloading(eqp: EquipPoint): boolean
Returns true if the weapon is currently reloading.
weapon.isPassiveReady(eqp: EquipPoint): boolean
Returns true if the weapon has passively reloaded.
weapon.isLowAmmo(eqp: EquipPoint): boolean
Returns true if the weapon is low on ammo.
weapon.accuracy(eqp: EquipPoint): float
Returns the current accuracy value for the weapon (as affected by e.g. spread).
weapon.reloadTime(eqp: EquipPoint): float
Gets the reload time of the weapon (in seconds), if reloaded partway through a clip.
weapon.reloadTimeFull(eqp: EquipPoint): float
Gets the reload time of the weapon (in seconds), if reloaded at the end of a clip.
weapon.ammo(eqp: EquipPoint): integer
Gets the amount of ammo left in the clip.
weapon.ammoMax(eqp: EquipPoint): integer
Gets the total size of the clip.
weapon.ammoCarried(eqp: EquipPoint): integer
Gets the amount of spare ammo, not including the current clip.
weapon.ammoMaxCarried(eqp: EquipPoint): integer
Gets the maximum amount of spare ammo, not including the initial full clip.
weapon.ammoTotal(eqp: EquipPoint): integer
Gets the total amount of current ammo, including the current clip and spare ammo.
Provides information about the weapon the player is currently using. string
Gets the current weapon's name.
currentWeapon.itemId(): int
Gets the Item ID for the current weapon.
currentWeapon.equippedAt(): EquipPoint
Get the equip point of the current weapon.
currentWeapon.reticuleIndex(): ReticuleType
Gets the reticule type for the current weapon (see the ReticuleType enum definition).
currentWeapon.isZoomed(): boolean
Returns true if the player is currently zoomed in with their weapon.
currentWeapon.isPack(): boolean
Returns true if the current weapon is a pack item.
currentWeaponpon.accuracy(): float
Returns the current accuracy value for the current weapon (as affected by e.g. spread).
currentWeapon.reloadTime(): float
Get the reload time (in seconds), if the weapon is reloaded partway through a clip.
currentWeapon.reloadTimeFull(): float
Get the reload time (in seconds), if the weapon is reloaded at the end of a clip.
currentWeapon.isReadyToFire(): boolean
Returns true if the weapon is finished reloading and is ready to fire.
currentWeapon.isReloading(): boolean
Returns true if the weapon is currently reloading.
currentWeapon.isReloaded(): boolean
Returns true if the weapon has completed reloading. Note that for many weapons this happens before the end of the animation (when the weapon becomes Ready To Fire). If isReloaded()
is true but isReadyToFire()
is false, then the weapon can be reload-cancelled.
currentWeapon.isLowAmmo(): boolean
Returns true if the weapon is low on ammo.
currentWeapon.ammo(): integer
Gets the amount of ammo left in the clip.
currentWeapon.ammoMax(): integer
Gets the total size of the clip.
currentWeapon.ammoCarried(): integer
Gets the amount of spare ammo, not including the current clip.
currentWeapon.ammoMaxCarried(): integer
Gets the maximum amount of spare ammo, not including the initial full clip.
currentWeapon.ammoTotal(): integer
Gets the total amount of current ammo, including the current clip and spare ammo.
currentWeapon.sniperChargePct(): float
If the current weapon is a sniper rifle (BXT1, BXT1A, Phase Rifle or SAP20), get the proportion of BXT charge or energy charge for phase.
currentWeapon.laserTargeterChargePct(): float
If the current weapon is the laser targeter, gets the current call-in buildup as a proportion between 0 and 1. Otherwise returns 0.
currentWeapon.sniperDamage(): float
If the current weapon is a sniper rifle (BXT1, BXT1A, Phase Rifle or SAP20), get the damage that would be done if fired right now, with respect to charge/energy.
Provides information about the vehicle the player is currently piloting. Will not provide useful information if the player is not in a vehicle. string
Gets the name of the current vehicle ("Grav Cycle"
, "Beowulf"
, or "Shrike"
vehicle.seatName(): string
Gets the name of the seat in the vehicle the player is occupying ("Pilot"
, "Gunner"
, or "Passenger"
vehicle.seatIndex(): string
Gets the index number of the seat the player is occupying.
vehicle.seatCount(): int
Gets the number of seats the vehicle has. integer
Gets the current health of the vehicle.
vehicle.healthMax(): integer
Gets the maximum health of the vehicle.
vehicle.energyPct(): float
Gets the vehicle's current energy as a percentage of the total.
vehicle.ammo(): integer
Gets the amount of ammo the vehicle's weapon currently has.
vehicle.ammoMax(): integer
Gets the maximum ammo for the vehicle.
vehicle.speed(): integer
Gets the vehicle's current speed.
Provides information about the flag in CTF.
flag.isHome(teamNum: Team): boolean
Returns true if the given team's flag is currently on its stand.
flag.returnTime(teamNum: Team): integer
Gets the number of seconds before the flag returns (0
if flag is not loose in field).
flag.holderName(teamNum: Team): string
Gets the name of the player holding the given team's flag (""
if the flag is not being held).
Provides Arena-specific game information.
arena.round(): integer
Gets the current round number.
arena.roundScore(teamNum: Team): integer
Gets the number of lives the given team has left for this round.
arena.playerStatus(teamNum: Team, playerNum: integer): integer
Gets a bitmask indicating status of the given player index on the given team.
Bit mask specification
Bit Position | Binary mask (least significant bits) | Description |
1 s place | 0001 | Bit on if player exists |
2 s place | 0010 | Bit on if player is alive |
4 s place | 0100 | Bit on if player has spawns left |
Possible values
Value | Description |
0 = 0b0000 | Player does not exist |
1 = 0b0001 | Player exists, is not alive, has no spawns |
3 = 0b0011 | Player exists, is alive, has no spawns |
5 = 0b0101 | Player exists, is not alive, has spawns |
7 = 0b0111 | Player exists, is alive, has spawns |
Provides Rabbit-specific game information. Note that in the Rabbit game mode, player.score()
will return the current player's Rabbit points.
rabbit.rabbitName(): string
Gets the name of the current rabbit.
rabbit.leaderBoardScore(position: integer): integer
Gets the score of one of the players on the rabbit scoreboard. position
must be 0
(first place), 1
(second place), or 2
(third place).
rabbit.leaderBoardName(position: integer): string
Gets the name of the player at position
on the rabbit scoreboard.
Provides Capture and Hold-specific game information.
cah.pointsNum(): integer
Gets the number of control points on the current map.
cah.pointsHeld(teamNum: Team): integer
Gets the number of control points held by the given team.
cah.pointHolder(pointIndex: integer): Team
Gets the team which holds the point with the given index.
cah.pointLabel(pointIndex: integer): character
Gets the single-character label ('A'
, 'B'
etc.) for the point with the given index.