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HUD Data Type

The HUD datatype has a single property, canvas, which gives access to the HUD's drawing canvas.

Associated functions

getHUD(): HUD

Gets a reference to the player's HUD.

project(hud: HUD, vector: Vector): Vector

Projects a 3D vector onto the 2D canvas of the HUD. The resulting Vector is still a 3D vector type, but the X and Y components represent the 2D projected coordinates.

drawDamageNumber(hud: HUD, num: string, color: Color, location: Vector, xScale: float, yScale: float)

Draws a damage number with the value num (which can be any text). The Vector's X and Y components determine the 2D positioning of the damage number on the HUD canvas, while the Z component determines its depth/draw order.

isOnScreen(hud: HUD, position: Vector): boolean

Returns true if the given world position is within the bounds of the HUD.

getPlayerPos(hud: HUD): Vector

Gets the world position of the player.

Accessing a custom Hud drawing context

The onDrawCustomHud hook

Custom Hud drawing in TAMods is enabled via the onDrawCustomHud event.

The user can draw their custom Hud elements in an event handler for onDrawCustomHud. In practice, it's highly recommended to not use this method, and instead draw custom functions via the Ubermenu preset using the method defined in the next section.

Example using onDrawCustomHud

Custom Huds using Ubermenu

The Ubermenu preset defines an abstracted way to draw Hud components, handling onDrawCustomHud automatically.

Data Types and Enums

Color Data Type

The Color type has the following properties:

rinteger (0-255)Red component of the color
ginteger (0-255)Green component of the color
binteger (0-255)Blue component of the color
ainteger (0-255)Alpha (opacity) component of the color

Associated functions

rgba(r: integer, g: integer, b: integer, a: integer): Color

Constructs a Color with the given components.

rgb(r: integer, g: integer, b: integer): Color

Constructs a Color with full opacity (a == 255) and the given components.

lerpColor(c1: Color, c2: Color: alpha: float): Color

Linearly interpolates between colors c1 and c2. The alpha parameter is a float between 0 and 1 determines the proportions: 0 gives 100% of c1, and 1 gives 100% of c2.


c1 = rgba(255, 0, 0, 128)
c2 = rgb(0, 0, 255)
c3 = lerpColor(c1, c2, 0.5)
console("Color c3 has values (r: " .. c3.r .. ", g:" .. c3.g .. ", b:" .. c3.b .. ", a:" .. c3.a .. ")")

TextAlignment Enum

Enumerates the possible text alignments.

  • enums.TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT = 0 - Left-aligned
  • enums.TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER = 0 - Center-aligned
  • enums.TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT = 0 - Right-aligned

Viewport Information

The viewport namespace gives information about the current HUD viewport (drawable area).

viewport.size(): Vector2

Gets the current size of the HUD viewport as a vector.

viewport.isMainMenuOpen(): boolean

Returns true if the player has the menu open.

viewport.isScoreboardOpen(): boolean

Returns true if the player currently has the scoreboard open.

Canvas Drawing

The functions described below can be used in event handlers for a drawing event, such as onDrawCustomHud or onDrawHealthBar.

Drawing Primitives

drawRect(x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float, color: Color)

Draw a filled rectangle with the given coordinates and colour.

drawBox(x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float, color: Color)

Draw an outline rectangle with the given coordinates and colour.

drawProgressBar(x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float, color: Color, direction: integer, proportion: float)

Draws a rectangle progress bar filled to the given proportion. The direction parameter can be one of:

  • 0 - up
  • 1 - right
  • 2 - down
  • 3 - left

draw2dLine(x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float, color: Color)

Draws a line between the two given points.

Drawing Text

TAMods provides text drawing in three different font types: default (the damage number font), small (the console font) and the Unreal Tournament font set.

Damage Number Font

drawText(text: string, color: Color, x: float, y: float, alignment: TextAlignment, scale: float)

Draw text in the damage number font. The scale parameter performs bitmap scaling on the text (so scale > 1 will produce blurriness).

getTextSize(text: string, scale: float): Vector2

Get the display size of the given text printed in damage number font, as a 2D vector.

Small Font

drawSmallText(text: string, color: Color, x: float, y: float, alignment: TextAlignment, shadowSize: integer, scale: float)

Draw text in the console font. The shadowSize value determines the distance of the drop shadow (0 gives no shadow). The scale parameter performs bitmap scaling.

getSmallTextSize(text: string, scale: float): Vector2

Get the display size of the text in the console font.

Unreal Tournament Fonts

drawUTText(text: string, color: Color, x: float, y: float, alignment: TextAlignment, shadowSize: integer, fontNum: integer)

Draw text in one of the Unreal Tournament fonts. fontNum is an integer in the range of 0 to 3; roughly speaking the lower values correspond to smaller fonts.

drawUTTextScaled(text: string, color: Color, x: float, y: float, alignment: TextAlignment, shadowSize: integer, fontNum: integer, scale: float)

Draw text in one of the Unreal Tournament fonts, with bitmap scaling applied.

getUTTextSize(text: string, fontNum: integer): Vector2

Get the display size of the text in the given UT font.

getUTTextSizeScaled(text: string, fontNum: integer, scale: float): Vector2

Get the display size of the text in the given UT font, after bitmap scaling.